
Opening Knowledge Requires Diversity

13% of Americans hablan español en casa; half of those folks speak English “very well.” I have heard the second fact used as an excuse not to tweet, blog, and otherwise communicate in Spanish, but when you do the math, that would ignore more than 20 million Americans, up to 40 million depending on the […]

Updates from @OKFNUS on Twitter

The following, one minute of 2013 highlights at @OKFNUS on Twitter gives a glimpse at our 1500+ tweets posted and 750+ friends made. That’s OKF NYC Ambassador @LaneRasberry on the right side of the cover shot, quoted saying “Wikipedia is what the world is reading” at #WikiNLM at the NIH, May 29 2013. The video […]

1000 Pebbles on a Path

With a tweet linking to this post, I have published the first 1,000 tweets at @OKFNUS. Below are some tales and details from the first 1,000 tweets. Going forward, expect more of the same at @OKFNUS — plus! more from other US Ambassadors and representatives of the Open Knowledge Foundation. I look forward to sharing […]

Open Science Hack Night in Seattle

An August night went from beautiful to brilliant when roughly 50 people came together for lightning talks, mingling, beer and Open Science hacking in Seattle. Given the summer timing, I had lined up several cohosts for the event, and I had stressed that no technical or science background was required to attend. Each host brought […]

Get to know Open Knowledge

“If you want Open to win, you’ve got to make it more attractive to the average person,” said Rufus Pollock @rufuspollock in his May 24, 2013 talk at Code for America. Rufus discussed not only the Open Source tools and Open Data initiatives for which Open Knowledge are well known in America, but our larger mission. This […]

June 6 #okfSF @PLOS :: #OpenAccess and more

Following this event, Matt Senate of @PLOS blogged on their Recipe for a Good Event. It’s recommended reading when hosting a popular meetup. I started open notes for the event at Below the following embed, I have published select tweets, photos, and other reports from #okfSF and other media. You can also check out […]

# /sbin/reboot

Let’s meet We met in San Francisco!   OUR NOTES ON March 25, 2013, Wikimedia Foundation offices   the run-up [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] our hashtag was #okfSF, select tweets [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie […]

US #OpenGLAM Launch

3… 2… 1… First, what is Open GLAM? Open GLAM is a global network of people and organizations who are working to open up content and data held by GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). Sign up to the Open GLAM mailing list and join the discussion. [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie url=”″] [blackbirdpie […]